Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day Seven - Sight

Wow! Today the babies opened their eyes! They aren't all the way open, though. I would guess about half-way. Have you ever seen baby kittens when they first open their eyes, and they're still a little sealed around the edges for a day or so? That's what they look like.

They are also a good deal larger and look disturbingly like very small, plucked chickens. Their beaks are starting to suit them a bit better as well. They are still quite large for their heads but the babies seem to be growing into them. You might also notice that their pinfeathers get significantly longer each day.

They are big enough today that when they scream for food, their heads reach out of the nest. Up until today, I had to peer down into the nest to get pictures of them with mouths wide.

A special treat for you today ... video! The sound is a bit distorted, and as I was going for a closeup I bumped a baby (not hard!) So I'm not much of a videographer... but I think the video offers a bit more perspective on their size and location.

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